On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 14:21:20 -0500 Avi Drissman wrote:
>Hmm. Sorry, I just joined this list, and I haven't heard of that. What is it?
Welcome aboard Avi.
NewtChorder is a guitarist's tool where you can try and play various chords. Chords can be played Arpeggio or Chord. Strings can be played by tapping them. It's a labor of love by Michael Hussmann who's also un this list.
Like your Chordbox, it's a nice companion for any guitarist. Get it at < http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mjhussmann/newtonsw.html >. Michael was saying he is hoping to port something like Chord box into Newt Chorder so perhaps you two can chat about it?;-P
Thanks Avi for all your nice packages.
Kenny Song
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