Re: NTLK Avis Backdrop picture Web site

From: Tim Palmer (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 04:28:54 EST

Taking this approach, the London Underground map better come off too.

Perhaps this is why Australia's civil court system is less strained
than the LA Law style process over there!

Again, I'm not a lawyer but as a journalist I frequently use snippets
of items (music, ads, movies etc) on a "fair dealing" basis and not
for commercial gain. For some longer items we pay fees.

Interestingly while our legal department allows some flexibility on
these things - our librarians are incredibly tightfisted copyright

No offence meant - I know the kind of infringements librarians see....
but weren't you the guys that introduced us to photocopiers at the
door of every library.

What did you think we were copying... our own novels?

Hey, put some pics on the site and see if we get sued I say! As if.


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