on 2/10/2000 2:15 PM, Steve Weyer wrote:
>> Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 10:54:57 -0800
>> From: Josh_Burker@misd.wednet.edu (Josh Burker)
>> Sebastiano Bagarotto <bag@mail.inet.it> writes:
>>> ...Newtscape support Frames???
>> I've been very happy with Newtscape. And yes, it supports frames and
>> soooooo much more.
> just a point of clarification. Newt's Cape frame support starts with just
> displaying the frame parts as links that you can select separately, but via
> preferences, you can merge all of the parts together into a single book,
> where each part has a separate H1 heading/page -- but not subdividing the
> small screen into even tinier little panes.
>> Give it a shot. If you like it register it.
> that's always appreciated ;-)
Thanks Steve ! :-)
Probably I will use Newtscape to browse...but First I would resolve my
problem with Lunasuite because in this way it is impossible to use it.
Is it a problem of size cache? I have setted to 5Mb about.
Nobody use Lunasuite to surf to Internet???? And in that case, could tell me
size cache, settings, problems (maybe like me) or everything well??
Waiting for somebody could help me I 'm going to explore Newtscape.....
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