On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 "Steve Vander Ark" <vderark@bccs.org> quoth:
>Legally you can't distribute anything with Calvin and Hobbes on
>it to anyone, whether or not you make money from it. That would be true of
>any licensed images, but Watterson is particularly tight-fisted with his
>copyright. There are NO officially licensed products with Calvin and Hobbes
>on them, I don't believe.
True, as one of the independant webmasters who got the cease and desist
letter when he shut down all but the offical c&h site, Watterson is very
protective of his copyright. Whatever his reasons, I had no recourse but to
However, that being said, my newt is named "Hobbes" and I have a b/w
backdrop that I use, and would be happy to distribute for the mutual
enjoyment of other fans of this strip. if anyone is interested you can
e-mail me, as I have no need nor desire to deal with lawyers any more. :)
"Was that the end?"
"You call that an ending with practically everyone still on their feet? My
goodness no, over your dead body."
-Tom Stoppard "Rosencrantz and Guilderstein are Dead"
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