Steve Vander Ark wrote:
> Check out the web site. It's a free service that connects handheld computers
> with a wide variety of small-screen-friendly web sites. Those sites are
> great for the Newton, but the addresses of the sites aren't listed. You have
> to actually have their software installed to know where to point the
> browser, and they don't make a Newton version of their software. The sites
> themselves are just text or lite versions of the main sites, and they
> include some of the big news/sports/info sites on the web, sites like the
> Weather Channel and CNN. If we had the addresses for those lite sites, we
> could be accessing them with NewtsCape.
The sitescooper site that I mentioned
in my previous post has a list of
'site files', which are, in essence,
the avantgo urls and then some. Have
a look at:
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