Avi Drissman wrote:
> >It is correct that you cannot beam your owner's card. Unless they can
> >figure out how to patch so that it calls the ObEx transport instead of the
> >regular beam.
> You mean the "Beam My Card" from the routing menu. OK. But try
> opening up the Owner Info app, checking off the checkbox next to your
> owner card, and selecting "Beam" (_not_ "Beam My Card"). Does that
> work?
I think it might work, but wouldn't transmit as VCF, but as text only. I think
that the problem isn't that you're getting an error or something, when trying
to beam your card using your suggestion, but ObEx doesn't provide the "VCF"
format that is needed on the Palm to recognize the item as a name card. I would
assume that once SmartDog releases some kind of APIs, someone could write a
translator to support beaming as a VCF from Owner. I'm not sure since I didn't
specificatlly look into this, but I would guess that they (SmartDog) must do
some kind of validation on the app symbol, so that when they don't get cardfile
or something like that, they don't offer the VCF format.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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