Here are two ideas:
1) If you can get your Newton names exported to the desktop a tab or
comma-delimited ASCII format, you can then import them into your desktop
version of ACT. I think X-Port does this (Dan Rowley, the software's author,
is on this list) and it has a lot of other neat features too, like being
able to export notes to the desktop as well. It's still available for
purchase, although I don't remember the URL....
2) Here's a workaround: find another calendar program that Newton Connection
Kit (NCK)/Newton Connection Utilities (NCU) will synch with. For Windows and
NCU, Lotus Organzer 2.1 works great and it's available on the discount
software racks of most U.S. computer or office supply stores for under $10.
Synch to that software, then use the desktop program to save a delimited
ASCII text export file. From there, just import the names into ACT, and
there you go....
Hope this helps.
Original Message -
> As some may recall, my Act program crashes when trying to "normalize" my
> names. I really need it to work, so I am willing to delete all of my
> then try to open Act, at least get it running with no names, and then
> back in my names or something.
> So what are my options to deleting my names and getting them back in
> I suppose the best thing would be to delete the entire name list and
> them, or just let Act import from my computer version of Act, but I have a
> lot of names on my Newton which are not on my computer.
> Any suggestions for the best course of action?
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