Re: NTLK having a problem with Newton Connection Utilites

From: Dan Barber (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 13:42:12 EST

-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Daudelin <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: NTLK having a problem with Newton Connection Utilites

>Dan Barber wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am having problems trying to backup with NCU. I get a communication
>> error -1 when I try to backup. There are no previous backup files as I
>> only used NBU before. I am using 38.4 as the speed and I even tried
>> slowdown program, but that did not work either. I start the backup, it
>> to system information and then two seconds later the computer aborts and
>> gives the -1 error.
>> I have nothing running in the background, and I even did a clean boot
>> ran NCU. Same result. Has anyone else ran into this problem?
>> BTW-I froze all the packages on my newton and it is a MP130. The funny
>> thing is that NBU runs without a problem if I use slowdown.
>It looks like you're using a Windows machine (slowdown), so here are my
>First, I used to have those problems before I've got Serial57600. As you
>have guessed, this let you make your backup at 57600 bps instead of the
>38400 bps. So, that did care of a lot of communication errors I was
getting. You
>need to hack the Windows registry to make this work though, so, if you're
>familiar with the registry, I'd say forget it ;-)
>The other trick I was using before, whenever I got those communication
>was to launch TaskManager. Then, I select "ncu.exe" in the list of
>Right-click on it and a popup menu appears. Select "Set Priority ->
>Click "Yes" to the confirmation dialog that appears. Then, try to backup

Correct. I am using a machine running Win98 (I don't really like it but the
software I NEED to run my business only comes in microshaft format, oh
well). I know all about the windoze registry so I am sure I could hack it
(but as anyone should know, making a backup first). But I don't really
think that I need to since I finally got it to work!!!

Now what I found out was if I run NCU then go into the settings/general in
NCU then unselect always listen for newton. It works if I run the slowdown
program as well (it might work without slowdown I have not tried it yet
without). However if you leave listening off and restart NCU it will ask
you to turn on listening. So I have to go into settings, turn on listening,
click on apply and then OK. Then go back into settings and turn it off,
apply, then OK and do this every time. A bit anoying, but it seems faster
than NBU so I may continue to use it. Does anyone know if it is faster than

One question I have for Laurent, which program are you refering to as
TaskManager? What is the exact name. I do not know which program you are
refering to and all the task programs I seem to have do not have a "Set
Priority" function. Is this a third party task managing program that you
are using?

And now on to another problem I am having. This one as to do with the
exporting/importing functions. As I have only a 130 I did not try the works
export/import but with the other import/export fucntions. But how reliable
is this? Can I export notes and other items for say storage, then bring
them back into the newton and have them in the exact same way before I
exported them? Also is there a way to export a word 6.0 in RTF format and
not have word installed? And finally are there extra translator formats

I thank all that have responded with help and information. :)

Dan Barber

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