I know the standard response. IN fact, I am a firm belever of upgrading to
the latest greatest. But money is REALLY tight right now, and will be for at
least 6 more months. (To give you an idea...I sold my wifes Newt2000 several
months ago to help pay bills one month.) ANyway, sorry to share more than
you probably wanted to know. Point is, I know the upgrade is good. I know
Dan is a current Newtonite, and I want to support his continued efforts. On
the other hand, I am broke. But at the same time, I need my Newton to be the
missing link between me being a terrible time manager and knowing I can do
it (so much that I had to give up being self employeed and whet back to
teaching this last year).
When this summer hits, I need to make sure I don't have to go back teaching
next fall. I have spent a lot of time the last several months (with my fixed
income as a private school teacher, al beit low but proving relative
secruity) working on trying to get my equipment running and working on
becoming more efficient. I am working full time teaching, and part time as a
Personal FInancial Analyst for Primerica, booking 6-15 appointments per week
in the afternoon and evening. The Newton is the most perfect tool ever
created for my line of work. But when I was wokring full time with PFS (for
2 great but debt producing years), I spent mroe time supporting my equipment
some weeks than I did contacting existing and new clients.
I don't know why I am saying all this. Maybe because I got up at 5:00 this
morning to work on my Newton to install some software before I go to work
this Saturday morning at PFS and am exhausted. Maybe to justify to you all
why I need this Newton to really work for me, I don't know.
I know one thing for sure. I spent 2 hours to make a Newton PC Serial cable
to save $25. That kind of insanity is the same crude I keep doing, but it is
a catch 22. Sacrificing time to save money, but wasting time and therefore
the ability to make money. Even though the cable was done at 2:00 in the
a.m., I wasn't as sharp the next day.
Now knowing a bit more about my finances, should I make the sacrifice? Oh,
pretty important point. I already have an older version, so an upgrade is
not that expensive, but I have not even used the 1.05 as it came with a
Newton I purchased used about a year ago, and wasn't able to get it working
until last week. I need the syncing ability, mainly for Act. I definately
don't want to pay for the upgrade, and it not even help me.
So, I guess the real question here is, can I use 1.05 safely with out
unnecessary conflicts and challenges that are addressed in the upgrade, long
enough to find out if Xport is going to be useful?
THanks! And sorry for such a long question. My wife says I am sick. I think
she is right. Working 80-100hrs per week doesn't help. :)
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