NTLK Lotus Organizer 2.1 - Where?

From: Chris Ruprecht (chrup@earthlink.net)
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 14:45:12 EST

Hi All,

No, no, I'm not moving over into the PeeCee team - but I'm sending
one of the FreightQuest Newtons to my sister and she is using a
notebook with Win98 and I would like to get her something to synch
her Newton Names/Dates with. I have seen a few posts which indicate,
that Lotus Organizer 2.1 is about the best there is for this purpose.
Any idea where I could get a copy and how much it costs? I guess,
they are no longer been sold ....

Best regards,
Chris Ruprecht * chrup@earthlink.net
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