NTLK AddressAccess Pro

From: Kenny Song (kensong@pc.jaring.my)
Date: Sun Feb 13 2000 - 21:02:01 EST

I have some exciting news for current users of AA and users of Morelnfo, DateMan and ActionNames. Thorsten has informed me that an upgrade to AA is coming soon. Below is a quote regarding the features he has incorporated.

"Iīm planning to release an extended version of AddressAccess (AA Pro) that will feature a "New" button containing "meeting",... when MoreInfo or ActionNames or DateMan is installed.

Another cool feature will be an improved viewing support for linked contacts (AA Pro has itīs own way of linking contacts but it is also capable of viewing card-links made with MI,AN,DM): You can open linked cards within the "parent" card (difficult to explain but very nice to use).

Additionally AA Pro will feature searching/sorting not only by name or company but also by other fields (like the custom fields or address). And there is a new printout-format allowing a very nice and compact printout of the contacts in a kind of booklet.

The extended version had been available in German for some time but it wasnīt distributed by myself. For that reason I couldnīt translate it into English (and since the death of the Newton there hadnīt been a commercial interest in translating it). But starting with 2000 Iīm now free to release it on my own on a shareware basis (as long at it is an upgrade and not an update to AA so that former customers of the commercial version arenīt disappointed) to finally make it available to the (remaining) English speaking Newton community. Thatīs why there will soon be two flavours of AA: AA Classic and AA Pro. "

I'll inform the list once it's up but please don't swamp him with requests as he can only attend to it on weekends and this can delay it's release considerably.

Kenny Song
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