I'm using NCU with win 98 no probs on my notebook - and I've never
needed slowdown - just tinkered with the com port settings at both ends
Douglas Bollinger wrote:
> there is no win98 version of NCU. If your having problems keeping
> connected you may need to get a program called slowdown.exe. what
> i'tll do is slow down the com port on your pc so that your newton and
> pc can talk. you should be able to find slowdown.exe on the net by
> doing a search for slowdown.exe. you'll have to play with the sliders
> in the program to get the newton to stay connected. remember to start
> the slowdown program before starting NCU.Cheers,Doug
> -----Original Message----
> From: Arnie Lerner [mailto:lernerfilm@earthlink.net]
> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 4:10 AM
> To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
> Subject: NTLK easy one
> Here's an easy beginners question
> is there a NCU for Win98?
> if so, where do i get it?
> if not, am i out of luck trying to maintain a relationship
> with my mp2100 and a new pc?
> arnie
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