>Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 16:21:32 -0800
>From: "Timothy W. Killian" <evlist@eventure.com>
>Subject: Pen Alignment Problems
>Hi Newts:
>I have owned my MP2000 (upgraded) for close to 3 years now. Recently, I
>began having a problem with my pen alignment.
>The alignment goes "out" such that the pen is about 1/8" to the right of
>where the screen registers a touch. I can realign the pen by going into
>handwriting prefs...and it remains aligned for a couple of hours, and then
>goes out of alignment again.
>Timothy W. Killian
This sounds like the dreaded "gunk between the case and the screen"
problem. Try this and see if this fixes it. Take a business card and
run a corner of it under the case where it meets the screen all the way
around the case pushing out as much gunk as you can. This may need
several swipes to fully clean out the area where dirt can become trapped.
A screen protector can prevent the problem from happening.
Mark Ross
Need a Screen Protector to keep your Newton in tip top shape?
Go to <http://www.NuShield.net> for NuShield screen protectors.
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