Hey everyone,
Stop sending me pictures of Farallon PN895s. I've got about a half-dozen
sets of pictures. (Just for the record, Laurent D's pics went up because
he was first :)
I'm going to stop talking about this, since I've got all of the major
cards covered. Still, if you get a card that I don't have a picture of
yet (check the web page to see what I do have) send it over. Oh, and
please don't censor *all* of your card's MAC address - some of these are
useful to know. I have been censoring people's serial numbers though.
Thanks again everyone.
-----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | victor@torque.net------
---Newton Resources: Ethernet, Newton Cage, NewtonTalk archive, and more!---
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