Re: NTLK Ntlk Invoice creation on the 120

From: Ivan Shaw (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 20:45:22 EST

At 12:48 AM 2/15/00 +0000, Adrian Carter wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone could help me, a fr end ot mine is using a
>MessagePad 120 (OS.2.0) and is on the lookout for some software that can
>help him create invoices for his customers.

I've been using iambic's TimeReporter, which will generate time and expense
invoices from entries for ongoing jobs. StandAlone has TimeMan, which does
the same thing, though I don't know if it will run on a 120. TimeReporter
can upload to a PC, though I do virtually all of my billing on the Newton
(including the invoice printing).

>Also is it possible for a 120 to run Newton Works and if not what is the
>most suitable alternative.

PelicanWare's AvailWorks. If you really need NewtWorks, the best bet is to
find a MP2000 or an eMate.

Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
Are you a "Have"?

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