>I'm sure this topic was discussed many times before I subscribed to this
list, but...
>Which screen protector works best for a MP2000? The two that I know about
are the WriteRight by Concept Kitchen and NuShield by NuShield. It sounds
like one is flexible (which may get bubbles when installing) and the other
is hard. Is recognition affected by using these? Is one easier to install?
I asked the same question a few months back. Having already gone through a
package of hard sheet protectors and not caring too much for their feel or
the "loose" sliding on the screen, I went with the ConceptKitchen product.
At first, I hated it. Getting the damn thing on without dust or bubbles was
impossible. However, I chucked the squeegee card they supplied in favor of a
standard rigid credit card and haven't had a problem since.
I'd recommend the WriteRight (in fact, I told my wife about them. Her folks
bought her a a Palm V for Christmas, traitorous wench.)
So. That's one vote.
Fusionary Media tmcamp@fusionary.com
Grand Rapids, MI 616.454.2357 voice
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