Re: NTLK Backlight

From: T.M. Camp (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 15:39:11 EST

>Hi All,
>I am currently investigating a supplier of flexible backlighting products
>with a view to replacing my MP2K 'green screen'.

I'd be interested, particularly if a replacement would do away with the
annoying 'whine' I get whenever my light is on. And if it could be more of a
pure light (white or no tint) that would be interesting. The green does some
strange things with contrast -- but not as bad as the light on my wife's
Palm V. Might as well not have a light at all.

But what's it worth? Jeez, I have no idea. Are we talking the component by
itself or installation included? God knows, I wouldn't know how to replace a
screen to save my life.

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