First of all, hogwash about not being able to exchange files between an
older Powerbook and and iMac. At worst you might need MacLink.
As for the Newton, you should have now problems. I frequently take notes
on my Newt and download them to my iMac, though I use ethernet, and edit
as needed with Word 98 or Appleworks.
My only challenges are with synching, but that's a different topic ;-)
On 2/15/00 3:51 PM the She-Giles Jaime.L.Margalotti@williams.edu wrote:
>I have recently become interested in purchasing a Newton, but I want to
>make sure it can do what I need it for. I'm currently working on a thesis
>and find it inconvenient to take all of my notes longhand and then
>transcribe them after I return from researching. What I'd like to do is
>take notes and later connect to my desktop computer to transfer the
>information. This way I could just cut and paste, etc. My first idea was
>to buy a used really really low-end powerbook, but I've been warned that
>whatever word processing program it is running wouldn't be compatible with
>what is running on my new imac dv (Microsoft Office 98 & AppleWorks
>5.0.3). The same issue applies to Newton. Unlike a bottom-of-the-barrell
>powerbook, the Newton would have more features to offer me than word
>processing. I considered the palm pilot, but they seem really tiny and
>they're also really expensive. I've been able to find Newtons at costs in
>my price range. I also like the option of connecting a keyboard to the
>Newton. I called the Apple Support Line and they couldn't think of any
>reason why I'd have a problem connecting and transferring the Newton files
>to the imac (with the appropriate USB adaptor, of course), but they
>really didn't seem to know all that much about the Newton. I'd appreciate
>any possible information you could give me.
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