only just got my newton this morning, with no manual etc.
If you need any help then give me or the rest of the very knowledgable community a shout.
I've owned my Newton 2100 since new and found the list very useful and informative. The amount of support both in software and information never ceases to amaze me.
On a slightly different note as a Mac user I read the Mac magazines available in the U.K (Mac User / MacFormat). However whenever I see a mention of the Newton it's usually in derogatory terms.
It annoys me a little because while I acknowledge that various incarnations of the Newton suffered a few shortcomings surely the same can be said of any platform whether it be handheld or desktop based.
By the time the Newton bowed out of the PDA race, It's my belief Apple had pretty much got the job right. I'm not going to go on about the potential directions the platform could have moved in because that's already been covered by people much more knowledgable than myself.
All I ask is the Newton get some fair comment for a change. without Its presence the PDA might have been a very different creature entirely.
Many thanks & apologies for ranting.
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