>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 09:56:56 -0500
>From: Ron Roman <Ron.Roman@EthicalBusiness.org>
>Subject: Screen protectors
>I'm sure this topic was discussed many times before I subscribed to this
>list, but...
>Which screen protector works best for a MP2000? The two that I know about
>are the WriteRight by Concept Kitchen and NuShield by NuShield. It sounds
>like one is flexible (which may get bubbles when installing) and the other
>is hard. Is recognition affected by using these? Is one easier to install?
Actually, its NuShield by Tested Products. We offer a money back
guarantee. If you don't like them, return them for a refund, including
all credit charges. We don't charge for shipping anywhere! Heck, if you
ask nice, we'll even through in a WriteRight for comparison. I certainly
have no use for them! The reason we started making NuShields is that I
(and a lot of others on this list) hate the WriteRights.
Mark Ross
Need a Screen Protector to keep your Newton in tip top shape?
Go to <http://www.NuShield.net> for NuShield screen protectors.
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