Hi Victor -- if you can send me a list of the files which need to be removed
we can pull those from the version PN is holding -- thanks! Also thanks for
providing Newton users with an archive, I'm sure they're all really glad you
do that.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Victor Rehorst [mailto:victor@gear.torque.net]
> Sent: Friday, February 18, 2000 1:42 AM
> To: NewtonTalk Mailing List
> Subject: NTLK Ready and Willing to work on NewtonMAD
> Just looking through the archive, and I noticed this message from Kenneth
> Wong a few weeks ago in reply to someone's question about a NewtonMAD
> archive:
> -----
> Yup. That's NewtonMAD alright :)
> Great to know it's still alive. My personal copy was lost when my
> notebook's HDD died several weeks back, so I guess that's all left of
> NewtonMAD
> -----
> What this means is that all that's left of NewtonMAD are the archives. I
> think it would be a huge loss if everyone were to delete their copy and
> lose all of the great *legal* software in there. Since I've got a week of
> free time coming up, I'd like to volunteer my time to clean up NewtonMAD.
> I'm not able to host it, but I would gladly check every packages legality
> and then send the cleaned-up archive to the mirror site(s).
> If you were/are a NewtonMAD mirror, I'd like to hear from you (off-list of
> course).
> -----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca |
> victor@torque.net------
> ---Newton Resources: Ethernet, Newton Cage, NewtonTalk archive,
> and more!---
> --------------- http://eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca/~victor/newton/
> ---------------
> ----------------------"The Few, The Proud, The
> Green."----------------------
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