On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Bill Davis wrote:
> But Farallon, Lucent, Dell and others do sell Airport compatible PCMCIA
> cards, though. Apple's AirPort is compatible with the WaveLAN / IEEE
> 802.11 standards, and their basestation is FAR, FAR cheaper at $299 than
> the WaveLAN ones at $1000+ (although it does less...but for a home
> wireless net that's not an issue for most folks unless you have a BIG
> family; 10 users is fine.)
Just an FYI... there are lots of older wireless protocols out there (ie.
Proxim's RANGELAN and RANGELAN2) as well as some newer ones, such as the
11Mbps extention to the 802.11 standard, as well as 11Mbps encrypted
on-the-fly, dropping the actual speed back down to 2Mbps. In short: make
sure whatever card you get has 802.11 compatiable on it somewhere.
> The AirPort base station reportedly actually has a (Lucent?) WaveLAN
> PCMCIA card inside it! You can even hack in an external antenna to
> increase the range. See the AirPort reports on www.macintouch.com for
> lots of info. Even the PCI cards for WaveLAN for desktop computers
> actually just have a slot for a WaveLAN PCMCIA card. Apparently most or
> all of the Lucent WaveLAN products are based around PCMCIA cards...which
> makes a lot of sense, considering it's a wireless network and therefore
> portable computing is obviously a majority part of it's market.
Yup. Like I was saying in an eariler post, I was working with some of
this hardware last summer at my job. The PCI cards are just cards with a
single type II PCMCIA slot in the back, and a PCMCIA->PCI bridge chip just
like the ones you'd have in most recent notebooks. So in theory if you
had one of those WaveLAN PCI cards, you could pop the WaveLAN card out and
plug in something else. A cool tip.
> Now if that fellow in Japan will just create the WaveLAN driver for
> Newton his site say's he's working on (I'll happily pay $50 a copy for
> the driver!), I'll probably (a) buy another WaveLAN card or two for my
> Newton 2x00's and (b) buy another AirPort basestation for work...it'd be
> SO handy to be able to Telnet into our Alpha OpenVMS minicomputer with
> PT100 wirelessly from a meeting or anywhere in the building.
Ditto. One basestation at home, stick one in the CS building at school...
no more carrying around my 3Com ethernet cable! (BTW, anyone know a good
place to buy spate Ethernet card dongles?)
-----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | victor@torque.net------
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