Re: NTLK Help with NewtonMAD

From: Matt (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 14:43:39 EST

> I will also help to clean up the archive. I can't host
anything (my web
> allouance being only 5MB but I will open each package/file and send E-mail
> to EACH author to verify allowing its inclusion. <smiles> I'm not
> volunteering to do this for the whole archive, but if enough of us take a
> section and someone volunteers to handle the assignments, we should be able
> to make this a legal and useful resource.

I should be able to upload it to my ISP, although I think
i'd have to ask them first - webspace is unlimited, but
they limit it to 100mbs to start with so they can plan for
the space being used etc.


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