NTLK Re - Dead 120

From: Gruendel, Frank 3837 PPE-WT (Frank.Gruendel@de.heidelberg.com)
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 07:51:11 EST

>I replaced the double AA's and the Newt wouldn't boot. Replaced the
>backup and it still is refusing to cooperate. I have tried reset before
>during and after hitting the start switch to no avail. Have I any
>choices or options to try or is my poor Newt now moot ? Data too?
>There is a Flash card that I have most of the data on but the last full
>backup is on an older Mac, which can be revived with a lot of dusting
>and cabling.

1) By all means remove the flash card before resetting. Cards can be
   damaged if they are in the MP during a reset.
2) Remove both backup and main batteries
3) Press the power on switch and hold it in that position for 2 - 3 minutes.
4) For good measure, leave the MP alone for a couple of hours.
5) Make sure the backup battery is ok (3 volts or more) and install it.
6) Make sure the main batts are ok (1.5 volts alkaline or 1.2 volts
   rechargeables) and install them.
7) Plug in an ac adapter
8) Do a brain wipe (I *think* this means a) Hold down the power on switch
   and keep it down b) press the small switch in the battery compartment
   and release it c) after some seconds release the power on switch).

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