On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 6:37 AM, NewtonTalk
<mailto:newtontalk@planetnewton.com> wrote:
> Subject: Re: NTLK Stylewrite & Newton 2200
> Message-ID: <38B1C717.31375CF3@onramp.net>
> It is the Apple portable print that Canon make for them. Does not have
> Irda ability, but work well with the Newton. This is the main printer I
> use with my UMP2k. It is faster than the HP340 in both cable or IRda
> mode. The main draw back to the SW2200 is that Apple hard wired or
> program the printer no to print more than 7 to 9 pages at anyone time.
Does not this printer require the Print pack in order to work with the
Newton? I bought an Apple portable stylewriter that didn't work with the
Newton. Is this it, or was there an older portable Stylewriter?
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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