Re: Re: NTLK Y2K Newton OS 2.0 "Dates" Bug ? ! ? !

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 02:49:51 EST

At 12:37 AM -0500 2/22/00, NewtonTalk wrote:
>Yes it IS a problem. A problem in the 2.0 OS !
>I did use a 4 year date ( 19XX ). ( Did you not read my detailed description
>of the problem ? )
>You're saying I need to buy and use AA or AA Pro to fix the problem.
>I would like to see a patch for the 2.0 OS to fix the problem without
>loading another entire application.
>Is there a Newton Programmer out there willing to write a separate patch ?

I reported the same problem when using "Find by Date" feature of the
"Find" applet. You can pick the century in the picker but when it
actually performs the search it uses the current century. Then, the
next time you open the date picker you can see the date has reverted
to the current century. The only workaround is to set the Newton
system date back to a 20th century date.

Big annoyance. I hope one of our fine developers will become as
annoyed with this as I am and develop a fix! ;-)


Jeremy Bond Shepherd | There's something about a martini
San Francisco, CA | 'ere the dining and dancing begin.
Internet: | To tell you the truth.
Phone 415-929-0297 | It is not the vermouth.
                             | I think perhaps it's the gin. -Ogden Nash
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