On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 22:40:40 -0600 Dr. Newton wrote:
>Yes it IS a problem. A problem in the 2.0 OS !
>I did use a 4 year date ( 19XX ). ( Did you not read my detailed description
>of the problem ? )
>You're saying I need to buy and use AA or AA Pro to fix the problem.
>I would like to see a patch for the 2.0 OS to fix the problem without
>loading another entire application.
>Is there a Newton Programmer out there willing to write a separate patch ?
>David Watson
>"Dr. Newton"
Sorry Dave,
I tried it and it worked so I thought it was an AddressAccess bug because it is not Y2K compliant. What I did not realise is that I was using an MP21K with 2.1 OS. Sorry.
Kenny Song
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