on 00.2.22 10:51 PM, Laurent Daudelin at laurent_daudelin@fanniemae.com
> Am I the only one who thinks that those abandonned softwares (specially those
> from
> Apple, i.e. NCU, NBU et all) should be kept in? Specially after the way that
> Apple
> abandonned us high and dry? I have all those softwares personnally, but I'm
> thinking
> about the person who buys a used MessagePad that comes barebone, without
> anything.
> If that person would email-me to get NCU, I would gladly send her a copy. Now,
> I
> would prefer re-directing her to an actual website, as this request came quite
> often
> over that past few months.
> What others do think?
I agree. I found myself in the same position. I 'found' my newton after 2
years I spend without (how could I?)... shame on me
But a lot of software I had then I missed now. For example the NCU 1.0
I was very glad when I found a downloadable copy thanks to newton Cage.
For a lot of software from Apple, on the old days you could download them
legally from the Newton Inc. website, so for me It would be perfectly legal
to keep them.
I suggest to keep also software from company's not longer reachable trough
the net. Their gone, working on other project's, maybe forgetting that they
once wrote good software for our platform.
Going one step further I would encourage for a quest to contact these
developers and make an effort to make their programs freeware for the sake
of the small (and probably not very important in financial terms) newton
I think that software still available today and also still supported should
be proper referenced and only evaluation copies that works for a certain
period of time should be on the ftp server for downloading.
If this is something that the community could embrace, I'm seriously
considering to host an European mirror of such an archive.
Does someone know how much traffic this would generate ?
Greetings from Zurich, Switzerland
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