On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, "Leland Jory" <ljory@newted.dyndns.org> quoth:
>Couldn't Apple's Newton software be considered (if not 'freeware')
>included-ware? I mean, they shipped this stuff with every new Newton. Plus,
>the stuff is still freely downloadable from Apple's software archives AFAIK.
>I don't see any ethical/legal problems with leaving the Apple stuff in. If
>you're truly concerned, contact Apple and ask for their permission.
I totally agree with your first point.
However, before you go off firing letters, let me add in a little.
Before I hosted the various Apple programs I have on my site, I contacted
Apple legal several times about the possibility of releasing these files.
no reply.
I also comtacted Travelling Software, and Puma Technologies, and any others
who wrote chunks of the communication code for these programs. They told
me they had no rights to any of the programs anymore and that Apple had the
sole rights to release these to the public.
My position on this is that if they release these files (Newton Press, NCU,
NCK) then they would have a legal obligation to support these programs,
platforms etc. thus tying up tech and customer support with questions about
a platform they are no longer profiting from, and thus losing money.
So they're not going to tell you yes. I went ahead and posted these files,
and wrote them and told them this fact. They could easily shut me down at
any time. Still no reply, so I suppose they're going to turn a blind wink
at this sort of distribution. If there is a case of someone selling this
software, I'll wager that they'll come down like vultures, but for now
they're happy to let these communites support themselves.
I for one support keeping these files in the archive, and everywhere else.
A year ago it was impossible to find them, only me and the newton cage had
them for download, now everyone's got them and any user can find these
obscure but very important programs.
my opinion. your milage may vary.
"Was that the end?"
"You call that an ending with practically everyone still on their feet? My
goodness no, over your dead body."
-Tom Stoppard "Rosencrantz and Guilderstein are Dead"
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