Yes, you and indeed I have added additional noise to the list.
But it is simply the resonant ring caused by the original post.
What would have been bad - would have been for fifty folks to all post
hey this is the seller of the newton.
What you did was to stand up and say, for yourself, myself and hopefully
the entire group. Don't spam the group.
And just incase, the original posted is not actually a member of this list
I've copied him on this email. Just to make sure that he gets the message
that what he did was not appreciated by at least some of the members
of this list.
As for you Bradley, yes we are both guilty of adding useless chatter
and taking up bandwidth, but remember -
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Bradley Smith <> on 02/23/2000 09:33:14 AM
Please respond to
To: "''"
cc: (bcc: Sherman Epperson/OrbAZ)
Subject: RE: NTLK Interesting item on eBay web site
item#266254877: Newton 2100 in perfect condition
You're quite right David.
My apologies for adding additional noise to the list.
I guess this message is adding even more noise. I'll shut up.
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