You were *GIVEN* a clear case Newton??!? Whay can't *I* find benefactors
like this!!
What you have is among the rarest of Newtons. The price of a regular 110 is
less than $100.00 USD, but the price of a clear 110 is $3-600.00 USD. They
were given to "special" folk; developers, investors in Apple, etc.
I'd say you did all right.
As a functional Newton, it leaves a lot to be desired. 1.X NOS, one card
slot, not backlit, crummy HWR. It's worth a lot more as a collector's item.
Good Luck!
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Cary Chin" <>
Subject: NTLK Clear Newton 110
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 14:51:45 PST
I was given a Newton 110 in clear plastic, can anyone tell some info on it?
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