NTLK Feedback: Develop a program? How hard? What to do first? Need Mortgage Calc...

From: Drew Loker (lokerd@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 15:27:48 EST

I have always been curious what it would be like to develop my own program
for the Newton. Honestly, it is probably way over my head. And, for this one
things, it would probably be easier to just do a spreadsheet. However, I am
curious what I would need to do.

I need a mortgage accel calculator. One that if I have a given mortgage
balance, %, P&I payment, etc, and I put in if they do an extra $100/mo, how
much will they save.

Can I take the basic code from a program that already exists, say Apple's
Calculator, or better yet, Formulas, since it already calculates compound

Is there any danger in ruining my Newton if I test something I have written?
I know some people like to have a second Newton for just testing, but that
will not be realistic for me right now.

Anyway, I would appreciate any feedback on what I would need.

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