Ryan Hitch wrote:
> Dear All,
> Just put up the basic frame workwork of my new Website (Newton with A
> Vengeance), there's not much on it at the moment (nothing in fact). But
> I want to get a bit of feedback about the what I'm planning on putting
> on the site. SO please have a quick look and let me know of what you
> think. This would be greatly appreciated.
> The URL is : http://Lightning.Prohosting.com/~Lard/Newton/index.htm
> I normal get my websites fairly complete quickly, so with help I'll
> hopefully have some geniune content up soon. Also I always keep a
> diary, so when I next update the site, the 'Last update XX XXX XXXX'
> line will be a link to my update diary.
I'm getting a "URL not found on this server" error.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
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