Just an FYI...Apple didn't pull the plug on the
Newton...This was all Job's doing! He hated Spindler
and vowed to trash every spindler project regardless
of the cost...And so he did...Everything that Spindler
started and created is now gone! Blame Jobs and his
ego and petty vengance!
--- BondTrails@aol.com wrote:
> Hello fellow Newtoneers,
> Well, I am happy to say that with all your help I
> was finally able to A) get
> my modem card working and B) get Newt's Cape
> operating on all cylinders. This
> Newton PDA really rocks! Its a shame that Apple
> pulled the plug on it--it
> would have really given the Palm world a run for its
> money.
> Anyway, I am looking for bigger and better ways of
> connectivity. I have 2
> questions... the first is, what is the difference
> between PCMCIA type 1 and 2
> cards? I was shopping for ethernet/lan cards and
> some said it would support
> one type or the other. What does my faithful little
> Newton 130 have? (or can
> support)
> My second question is, can I use an ethernet card
> (RJ-45 connecter) on my
> newton? and will it work with Newt's Cape?
> If so, I would like to hear from those of you that
> are successfully using
> such a card. Please tell me the brand and model
> because I have no idea what
> would be compatible with my MP130.
> Bondster!
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