Re: NTLK Network lan cards and PCMCIA

From: Gary Moody (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 20:14:20 EST think you mean John Sculley, not Michael Spindler. Jobs hired
Sculley, had a showdown with him and lost, Jobs ousted from Apple. Spindler
served during this time, but was ousted himself well prior to Jobs return.
The Newton founded during Sculley regime. Jobs comes back, kills Newton.

BUT, the fact of the matter is that the Newton was a resource pig in a
company that was dying from lack of focus and resources. Jobs sheared off
all excess baggage to refocus the company...and it worked. There may have
been some animosity, but the business reasons were sound too, as much as I
HATE to admit it.



----Original Message Follows----
From: Ed Kummel <>
Subject: Re: NTLK Network lan cards and PCMCIA
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 14:57:30 -0800 (PST)

Just an FYI...Apple didn't pull the plug on the
Newton...This was all Job's doing! He hated Spindler
and vowed to trash every spindler project regardless
of the cost...And so he did...Everything that Spindler
started and created is now gone! Blame Jobs and his
ego and petty vengance!

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