At 12:32 25.02.00 -0500, you wrote:
>"W.Lichtenberger" wrote:
>> So, Laurent, please tell us the whereabouts of this Serial57600 and what to
>> do to the registry in detail, if you don't mind :-).
>I don't remember exactly where I got this package. I think someone from
Japan did
>write it. You should find it in any good Newton archive on the net. If not, I
>could certainly upload it to a few of them. I don't know what are the
>with the high speed package you mention. They're probably pretty much the
Not so. With High Speed Serial Templates (henceforth HSST), my MP2100 won't
connect to NCU at 57600, although the Docs mention speed up to 115.2 kBd.
Try as i might, i'm not able to find Serial57600, at least not at AmUG,
Clausthal, NewtonCage, NewtonMAD...; nor by Altavista, WebCrawler...
So could you please upload it somewhere & tell about it?
>As far as the registry is concerned, here's what I just sent to another user:
>2. If you don't know about the Windows Registry, I'm not sure I should
tell you
>what to do, but, you'll make the final decision.
Aw, what the heck, i'll be brave! 8^)
>Only knows that if you screw up
>the registry, you can severly impaired your computer, and in the worst
case you
>might have to re-install the whole system, I was told. I'm not a real Windows
>expert, but I've been able to do the following modification to the registry
>without any prior experience.
[...detailed registry navigation omitted...]
OK. According to your tips i replaced (exported .reg files contents)
--- REGEDIT4[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Apple\Newton Connection Utilities\Communications] "COM3"="enabled COM3:38400,n,8,1 Seriell 0 : " --- with --- REGEDIT4
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Apple\Newton Connection Utilities\Communications] "COM3"="enabled COM3:57600,n,8,1 Seriell 0 : " --- This was a rather obvious location & patch value and i really ought to have found it looking myself instead of bothering others... 8^)
>14. Launch "ncu.exe" on your PC. Don't go in the settings and more important, >don't edit them or the speed will revert to 38400, as the software itself
Indeed it does, as Regedit hastens to show.
>doesn't have this 57600 bps speed. Even if you open the setting for COM1 or >COM2, you will still see 38400, but that's not relevant. The value used is the >one you put in the registry. >15. Launch the docking/communication application on your MessagePad. >16. Tap the "Connect via" popup menu. >17. Select "Serial57600" from the popup menu. >18. Connect. It should work.
Experiences with different values:
115200 w/ HSST: NCU starts, notices, disagrees, ends. Close, but no cigar. 57600 w/ HSST: NCU starts, notices(?), runs. Newton tries to connect, fails. 38400 w/ HSST: NCU starts, notices(?), runs. Newton tries to connect, connects.
regards, -- Wolf Lichtenberger ****************************************** This month's NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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