NTLK Spanish ISP that works with Newton?

From: Till (TillK@t-online.de)
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 05:30:13 EST

Hi all,
I will soon travel to Spain and I want to check my email with my Newton. Is
there any call-by-call ISP (an ISP that does not require you to register
with them and that is billed via the phone bill) in Spain you folks know of
that I can use? Unfortunately, my Spanish is not good enough to get this
information myself...
Best regards,

->             TillK@t-online.de             <-
-> http://www.stud.uni-hamburg.de/users/till <-
->     Viele Menschen sind Pausen in der     <-
->     Symphonie des Lebens. - Nietzsche     <-

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