On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 00:36:38 -0800 (PST) Moon Man wrote:
>Oh mi gosh, i just tried lextionary again, and upon
>oppening, itfroze before it could open at the time
>when it makes a slight thump sound and it kept
>repeating!! sounded like bullets!! wow freaki.
>Well if anyone can help i'd appreciate it. I really
>would hate having to trash Lextionary, it is great. Is
>there another dictionary app on par with it?? whats
>the most recent version??
>By the way, I just wanted to apologize for asking
>about a hack for SBM utilities, its just i didnt know
>if the company was even around anymore, thats y i
>asked. well anyways thanks
My wife uses it on her MP 2100 without problems. I use WordNewt instead. With a 32MB card, I can afford to ;-)
Check how much heap you have left after you launch Lextionary. Sounds like an out of memory crash.
Also, how much storage space do you have left with Lex installed? I recommend you keep at least 10-15% of your store size empty to avoid problems or worst case scenerio a corrupted store due to insufficient space.
About SBM, don't worry about it. The people on this list tend to be rather protective about the welfare of the few active Newton developers left. And who can blame them...
Kenny Song
<Sent with Newton MP2100/SimpleMail/4.0b3>
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