I can use my analog StarTac 6000 with my USR xj4336 - just need an adaptor cable.
To be honest, this is a 'if nothing else is possible' scenario only tho - connection is
slow and flakey at best, hangs without warning at worst.
I wouldn't spend the money if I had the choice (again). Could be the phone (model) tho -
have had good reports from friends using same with Nokias etc
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <tech_ed@yahoo.com>; <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Sent: Sunday, 27 February 2000 04:06
Subject: NTLK StarTac phone
In a message dated 2/26/00 12:24:43 AM, tech_ed@yahoo.com writes:
>If you are wanting to use your Digital Startac on your
>newton, then forget about it! Nothing will work. The
>reason being is that a modem for a digital phone isn't
>really a modem as much as it is just an interface.
>(Modem stands for MODulator/DEModulator...and digital
This got me currious.
I have a StarTac Analog phone and a 2100MP My modem is a Simple 33.3
Cellular capable modem ( I dont have any cables) Can I get this to work?
Keep the GreenT
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