NTLK Urgent

From: Robert Benschop (robertbenschop@bigfoot.com)
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 03:44:28 EST

I'm supposed to install a lot of stuff on an eMate and there's only an old
386 without internet access or CD-ROM drive around.
Can anybody point me to a place where I can find NBU, NCU or even the
package installer for Wintel in small files so that it can fit on a floppy
disk ? (I do have all of these on different AMUG CD's but nothing that fits
on a floppy disk)
I think that it used to be on NewtonMAD but it also seems that in reaction
to a very small percentage of not 100 % legal stuff the plug has been pulled
on all NewtonMAD archives (can't seem to find any around) seems a little
drastic to me.

Robert Benschop

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