At 14:44 26.02.00 -0500, markr13 <> wrote:
>>Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:16 +0100
>>From: Sebastian Kox <>
>>A student is looking for an ideal case to carry my newt 2000&keyboard
Just why should someone want to carry _your_ Newton around?
>>and to work with it on my lap (with newt positioned diagonal,
>>notebook style).
>Any recomendations? got one for sale?
I believe make cases.
>Thanks for your information!
You're welcome.
>A student is going to work with a Newton on your lap? Sebastian, you
>dog, you! ;-)
...and diagonal, notebook style, no less! (juz' couldn't resist 8^))
-- Wolf Lichtenberger
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