You know, I never figured out how to change that...I
just "scribble-delete" the stuff that's there (those
dialog boxes really need a "clear" button...hint to
any programmer out there)
I'ld like to know of an easier way myself!
web guru
--- Drew Loker <> wrote:
> >The way I always do it is just use the "assist"
> >feature. Whereever I am, I click the Assist icon,
> and
> >write "schedule meeting" and up comes a schedule
> box
> >to allow me to set up a schedule!
> That is a good idea. But when I do that, it comes up
> with some other text,
> like the last thing I wrote. How can I been in a
> name card and click on
> Assist and have it automatically pop up with
> scheduling that person?
> THanks!
> Drew
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