>Von: Phil Harriman <philh@mac.com>
> If you haven't yet discovered Assist, check it out!
> What are some of your favorite Assist tricks?
The Assist is IMHO underestimated and users might tend to not use it very
much. At least is there NsScribe and MathLib from PrismResearch Software
(Thanks to Jonathan Kipling Knight).
One can write somewhere (in Notes, Avis Backdrop or Works paper) calculate
sin(3.1515926/4), highligh the phrase and press the assist button. Mathlib
will then append after the phrase =0.7071... (SQR(2)/2). All Mathlib
functions are also available in GraphingCalc, NS Basic and QuickFigure4.0 as
well as e.g. AstroLib (Star/planet map).
Another one: The German language uses quite often the verb as last word of a
phrase. Assist will handle this correctly, in the German NOS2.1: "Gabi
anrufen" starts the search for a Name, containing Gabi and selects the right
phone number too.
-- Best regards! / Viele Gruesse!Marco Mailand http://www.dplanet.ch/users/roleto/welcome.html
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