While I reckon the term ultimate is quite exaggerated, it's still closer
than any other "living" platform today. But still it won't come out till
the end of the year in Europe anyway, and probably later in the US due: a)
no ubiquitous wireless standard there and b) lack of good digital wireless
More comments below:
At 11:21 27.02.00 -0800, you wrote:
>The Symbian will have true handwriting recognition
>(the Newton handwriting engineers are creating a third
>party application that will do this), but the
>clamshell design will kill this product.
There will be essentially 3 different platforms Quartz, Crystal and Pearl
watch middle of page
The clamshell being only one of them and shirt pocket size is called Quartz.
It will include CIC Jot as found in today's WinCE PPC's and most probably
ART's smARTrecognition (HWR, gestures and macros recognition and speech
recognition) will be ported to it. see
There are now 20,000 developpers for the EPOC platform, especially since
the creation of Symbian by Psion Soft., Motorola and Nokia, later joigned
by Matsushita/Panasonic; up from a little over 1,000 a year ago that's even
better than the PalmOS which took 3 years to reach 30,000.
Also, the EPOC machines are linkable to more desktop platforms including
the Mac and Unix variants.
>> also since it's designed around a phone I doubt
>> we'll see any really good
>> functionality coming from it.
As you can see from the link above that the Quartz machines are not phone
centric but PDA centric and offer voice and data/fax comms capabilities.
The third category is phone centric but not the Quartz.
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