On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Ed Kummel wrote:
> Now THAT's Funny!
> "I just wandered into my LOCAL PDA store...yeah right!
> Local PDA store! Har-dee-har-har! This is usually a
> case of talking to half a dozen brainless louts who
> wouldn't know a PDA from a PMS! Until you finally get
> to talk to someone who at least uses the same alphabet
> you are using and understands that PDA means Personal
> Digital Assistant! Good luck!
And why not? There used to be a Newton Store up here in Toronto. Last
year they gave in and changed their name to "The PalmTop Store" and I
imagine they now specialize in Palms and Wince toys.
When I want really clueless salespeople, I'll walk into a Radio sHack.
(apologies in advance to anyone here who works at said establishment -
since you're a Newton user, I'm sure you're pretty smart as well :)
-----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | victor@torque.net------
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