The note without viewbounds happened to me several times, mostly when I was
exporting from Newtcard to notes (with a self made program) It may also
happen (at least i soemtimes got an error, but don't remember which error)
when doing ink text. It is a faulty entry in the notes soup.
My solution:
- making a backup first might be a good idea. If all the notes reside on
internal, a backup to card might be enough.
- first try to find on which store the note resides: eject all storage cards
and try to open notes again. If it opens properly it is on your card (or on
one of them if you have more)
- then use soupkitchen (a soupbrowsing and editing pkg), go to the
notessoup, open it, try to identify the note which could have caused the
problem (might be the last note you entered). Maybe MBU utilities does the
- if you think you have identified the note, the only thing you can do is
erase it: tap the routing button and choose 'erase entry'
- if it is a text note, you might be able to rescue the contents by chosing
the data slot, then choose the text slot and copy the contents of the note
piece by piece (you can not scroll)
- then try to open notes again. If you encounter teh same problem, you have
deleted the wrong note and have to start all over again (if you made a
backup restore the original notes soup).
Be carefull when doing this.
Jeroen Goulooze
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