Have a look at http://home3.highway.ne.jp/ychibato/index.html
-----Original Message-----
差出人 : MYQ Y. Q. LARSON <MYQ@cc.usu.edu>
宛先 : newtontalk@planetnewton.com <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
日時 : 2000年2月29日 2:09
件名 : Re: NTLK Re: Kanji dictionary?
>>Is there a way to input Japanese in Newton 2000?
>>I asume there is no HW recognition is it?
>There's a localized version of the OS which I *think* has japanese HWR
>UniFEP by enfour. There's also other methods which I *think* use roomaji
>tap to pick the kanji or kana.
>I'm not a japanese, so I'm not too sure. I just remember a few years ago
>setting up an MP120 for someone and installing some input programs and
>that allowed her to use Japanese. I don't remember much though.
> Myq Larson / Stable Isotope Analysis \ myq@cc.usu.edu
> .'.'.'.'.' \ Utah State University / 435.713.4245 (h)
> Knowledge / 5305 Old Main Hill \ 435.797.0060 (w)
> Liberates \ Logan UT 84322-5305 / 435.797.1575 (f)
> Myq's waste of bandwidth --> http://www.crosswinds.net/~myq
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