Re: NTLK Re: Can you leave batteries out of your MP for too long?

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Sun Jul 02 2000 - 14:56:46 CDT

> But I think batteries drain slowly when kept inside,
> even when an electronics item goes unused, to prevent battery leakage,
> damaging the unit.
1. Every chemical energy store has its own leakage current which makes the
stored energy decreasing all the time.
2. The Newton draws approximately 500 micro-Amperes (measured with cards in,
device OFF).
3. Alkaline batteries may release aggressive chemicals if discharged deeply
or e.g. overheated.
4. Accus do normally not release chemicals except the hermetic seal is
broken. That happened to me with about 10% of my accus, elder than 2 years
and under overcharging or overheating (sun radiation in a car).

Its normal that your Newton accus discharges, because there's this half
milli amp flowing all the time and it switches on each night for a few
minutes to roll-over todos. You should check your accus and maybe batteries
for traces of white powder at the + pole from time to time. This is an
indicator of a leak and the risc of damage due to alkalines (? the contrary
of an acid?).

Best Regards / Viele Gruesse

Marco Mailand

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