There was discussion on this before. If it's relevant, the issue was that AutoDock should be turned OFF because what it will do (when on) is keep the eMate at sleep, draining the
battery. Go into Dock Prefs and turn AutoDock option off. This isn't as much an issue with the MP2K.
If that's not it, keep in touch with this board, and also check out this eMate site:
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 23:48:38 -0700
From: Glenn Roe <>
Subject: eMate won't stay charged
Message-ID: <>
Hi group,
I'm having a problem with my daughter's eMate. The battery won't stay
charged. It will charge up fine with the AC adapter (fast charge one),
and work fine, but then is dead the next day after sitting with no use
at all. It always has to be reset and says it went dead because all
power was removed. Does this mean I should replace the battery, or is
there another problem & fix. We have another eMate (my other daughter's)
that was bought at the same time (from Newton Oz for Christmas presents
last year) that works fine. They seemed to be new and unused when we got
them. I have two other used eMates I bought off ebay since then, and
they have never had this problem either. In the absence of any ideas I
will put a new battery in. I did purchase a couple recently from TIA for any suggestions.
Glenn Roe
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