NTLK emate Battery problem

From: Gruendel, Frank 3837 PPE-WT (Frank.Gruendel@de.heidelberg.com)
Date: Tue Jul 04 2000 - 02:50:55 CDT

>I'm having a problem with my daughter's eMate. The battery won't stay

I assume you have

a) turned AutoDock off (not sure what this is as I don't have an eMate)
b) turned "Receive beams automatically" off

as has already been pointed out by others on the list. Both will drain
the batteries even if the eMate seems to be off.

>It will charge up fine with the AC adapter (fast charge one),
>and work fine, but then is dead the next day after sitting with no use
>at all. It always has to be reset and says it went dead because all
>power was removed.

Not sure I understand this. Do you mean that after being reset it works
without having to charge before? In that case I'd think it's not the battery

>Does this mean I should replace the battery, or is
>there another problem & fix.

As you seem to have more than one eMate, I'd try the battery in another
If it's ok there, it can't be the battery.
If you want to compare the battery's performance against that of one of your
other batteries using the same machine both times, I can send you the late
version of BattLog. It's not finished yet, but it should be ok for what you

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